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bmaptool: Copy an image file into sdb.
$ bmaptool copy --bmap ${blockmap-bmap} ${source-img} ${-dev-sdb}
try on your machine

This command is using the bmaptool tool to copy a binary image file to a block device.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • bmaptool: It is an utility tool for interacting with block map (.bmap) files and performs operations like copying binary images to block devices or generating block maps.

  • copy: This is the command to tell bmaptool to copy an image to a block device.

  • --bmap ${blockmap-bmap}: This option specifies the path to the block map (.bmap) file. The block map file contains metadata about the image, such as block size and mapping information.

  • ${source-img}: This is the path to the source binary image file that you want to copy to the block device.

  • ${-dev-sdb}: This specifies the target block device where the image should be copied. In this example, it is using /dev/sdb as the target block device. Note that the actual device name may vary based on your system.

Overall, this command uses bmaptool to copy a binary image file to a specified block device, utilizing a block map file for efficient copying and verification purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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