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bmon: Set interval (in seconds) in which rate per counter is calculated.
$ bmon -R ${2-0}
try on your machine

The command "bmon -R ${2-0}" is using the "bmon" command-line tool with the option "-R" and an argument. Let's break it down:

  • "bmon": It is a command-line tool used for monitoring network bandwidth utilization. It provides real-time statistics and visual representation of network traffic.

  • "-R": It is an option or flag specific to the "bmon" tool. The "-R" option is used to reverse the order of the displayed network interfaces. This means that the interfaces will be ordered in a descending manner based on their activity level.

  • "${2-0}": This is an argument provided to the command. In this case, it is referencing the second command-line argument, but if no second argument is provided, it will default to "0". The argument is likely used to specify the number of network interfaces to display or monitor with "bmon". By specifying a number, you can limit the output to monitor a specific subset of interfaces.

To summarize, the command "bmon -R ${2-0}" runs the "bmon" tool with the option to reverse the order of displayed network interfaces based on their activity level. The number of interfaces to display can be specified as the second command-line argument, defaulting to all interfaces if no argument is provided.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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