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bmon: Set policy to define which network interface(s) is/are displayed.
$ bmon -p ${interface_1,interface_2,interface_3}
try on your machine

The command "bmon -p ${interface_1,interface_2,interface_3}" is used to launch the bmon tool with specific network interfaces.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • "bmon" is the command or tool being executed. "bmon" stands for bandwidth monitor, and it is a tool used to monitor network bandwidth usage.

  • "-p" is an option or flag used with the "bmon" command. It specifies the network interfaces to be monitored by bmon.

  • "${interface_1,interface_2,interface_3}" is a placeholder for the actual names of the network interfaces you want bmon to use. It is written in the form of variable expansion using curly braces and comma-separated values. You need to replace "interface_1", "interface_2", and "interface_3" with the names of the network interfaces you want to monitor.

For example, if you have three network interfaces named eth0, wlan0, and enp0s3, you would replace the placeholder with "eth0,wlan0,enp0s3" like this: "bmon -p eth0,wlan0,enp0s3".

This command will then launch the bmon tool and display real-time bandwidth usage for the specified network interfaces.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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