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boot: Build for development (if using the boot/new template).
$ boot dev
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The command "boot dev" is used to initiate the boot process on a device in a computer system.

"boot" stands for bootstrap, which refers to the process of loading the operating system or firmware into the device's memory so that it can start functioning.

"dev" is short for device and specifies the particular device from which the system should boot. This could be a hard drive, solid-state drive, USB drive, CD/DVD drive, network, or any other device that contains the required bootable files.

When the "boot dev" command is executed, the system will attempt to load the necessary boot files from the specified device into the memory and start the booting process. The specific steps involved in the boot process may vary depending on the system's configuration and the type of device being used for booting.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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