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boot: Build for production (if using the boot/new template).
$ boot prod
try on your machine

The command "boot prod" is used in the context of computer systems or network devices.

In general, "boot" refers to the process of starting up a device or system. It includes loading the necessary software and configurations to make the device operational.

"prod" typically stands for "production," which refers to the environment where the system is used for real-world purposes or in a live operational state. It is the opposite of a testing or development environment.

So, when the command "boot prod" is executed, it instructs the device or system to initiate the startup process specifically in the production environment. This command is usually used to ensure that the system is ready for real-world use, with all necessary configurations and settings in place.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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