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bosh: List environments.
$ bosh environments
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The command "bosh environments" is used in the BOSH CLI (Command Line Interface) to view a list of BOSH environments that have been configured. BOSH is a tool used for deploying and managing distributed systems or virtual machines.

When you run the "bosh environments" command, it will display information about each configured BOSH environment, such as the name of the environment, the URL or IP address of the BOSH director (which is the central management server), and the username used to authenticate with the director.

The output of the command provides an overview of the different BOSH environments that you can interact with using other BOSH commands. It helps you understand the available environments and their details, enabling you to select the appropriate environment for further operations like deploying a release, managing deployments, etc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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