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bosh: Show current cloud config.
$ bosh -e ${environment} cloud-config
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The command "bosh -e ${environment} cloud-config" is used to deploy or update a cloud configuration in a BOSH environment. Here is an explanation of each part:
- "bosh" refers to the command-line interface (CLI) tool used to interact with BOSH, which is an open-source deployment and lifecycle management tool for cloud software.
- "-e" specifies the target BOSH environment, where ${environment} is a placeholder for the actual environment name or URL.
- "cloud-config" is a subcommand of "bosh" that allows you to manage the cloud configuration of your BOSH environment.
Cloud configuration is a YAML file that defines how your infrastructure is provisioned and managed by BOSH. It includes settings such as VM types, disk types, network configurations, availability zones, and other cloud-specific details. By running this command, you can deploy a new cloud configuration or update an existing one in your BOSH environment.
Make sure to replace ${environment} with the name or URL of your specific BOSH environment before executing this command.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.