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bosh: Ssh into virtual machine.
$ bosh -e ${environment} ssh ${virtual_machine} -d ${deployment}
try on your machine

This command is used to SSH into a specific virtual machine (VM) within a BOSH deployment. Here's what each component of the command does:

  • bosh: This is the BOSH command-line interface (CLI) tool. It allows you to interact with a BOSH director and manage deployments, VMs, and other BOSH resources.

  • -e ${environment}: This flag specifies the BOSH environment or director to connect to. The ${environment} variable is typically replaced with the name or alias of the environment you want to target.

  • ssh: This sub-command of bosh is used to establish an SSH connection to a VM.

  • ${virtual_machine}: This represents the name or identifier of the specific VM you want to SSH into. It can be the actual VM name or an alias.

  • -d ${deployment}: This flag specifies the deployment in which the target VM resides. The ${deployment} variable is typically replaced with the name or identifier of the deployment you are working with.

By combining all these components, the command allows you to remotely access a VM within a BOSH deployment using SSH. The exact syntax may vary depending on the specific BOSH version or deployment configuration you are working with.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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