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bosh: List environment virtual machines.
$ bosh -e ${environment} vms -d ${deployment}
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This command is using the BOSH CLI (Command Line Interface) tool to interact with a BOSH director. It is used to list the virtual machines (VMs) within a specific BOSH deployment.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • bosh: This is the BOSH CLI command. It is used as the entry point to interact with BOSH.

  • -e ${environment}: The -e flag specifies the BOSH environment to connect to. ${environment} is a placeholder for the actual name or alias of the BOSH environment. For example, if you have a BOSH environment named "my-env", you would replace ${environment} with my-env. This flag helps to identify which BOSH director the command is targeting.

  • vms: This is a subcommand of the bosh command. It is used to work with VMs. In this case, it is used to list the VMs within a BOSH deployment.

  • -d ${deployment}: The -d flag specifies the name of the BOSH deployment to target. ${deployment} is a placeholder for the actual name of the deployment. For example, if you have a BOSH deployment named "my-deployment", you would replace ${deployment} with my-deployment. This flag helps to identify the specific deployment whose VMs we want to list.

Overall, this command is used to retrieve information about the VMs in a specific deployment within a BOSH environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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