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bpftrace: Run a program from a file.
$ sudo bpftrace ${filename}
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The command sudo bpftrace ${filename} is used to run a bpftrace script with root privileges.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • sudo: This is a command that allows a user to run programs with the security privileges of another user, typically the superuser (root). By using sudo at the beginning of the command, the subsequent command (in this case, bpftrace) will run with elevated privileges.

  • bpftrace: This is a dynamic tracing tool for Linux that allows user-defined scripts to be written in a high-level language for tracing different events in the system, such as kernel function calls, system calls, and network events.

  • ${filename}: This is a variable that represents the name of the bpftrace script file that you want to execute. The ${filename} part should be replaced with the actual name (including path, if necessary) of the script file you want to run.

So, when you run the command sudo bpftrace ${filename}, it will execute the specified bpftrace script with root privileges, enabling the script to access and trace events that may require elevated permissions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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