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braa: Walk the SNMP tree of host with public string querying all OIDs under `.1.3.6`.
$ braa public@${ip}:${-1-3-6-*}
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The command you provided is using brace expansion in the following context: braa public@${ip}:${-1-3-6-*}.

Brace expansion allows you to generate a sequence of strings based on a pattern within curly braces {}. In this case, it looks like the pattern is ${-1-3-6-*}.

To provide a more accurate explanation, I would need more context about the variables and environment in which this command is being used. But based on what you provided, here is a general breakdown:

  1. ${ip}: It seems like ip is a variable that holds an IP address.
  2. ${-1-3-6-*}: This pattern consists of a hyphen-separated series of numbers (-1-3-6), followed by an asterisk (*). The hyphen-separated numbers represent a range of integers from 1 to 3 to 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The asterisk indicates any number or character can follow the range.

Putting it together, the command braa public@${ip}:${-1-3-6-*} could be interpreted as generating multiple strings that form an address by combining public@, the IP address stored in the variable ip, and a range of possible numbers in the format -1-3-6-*.

For example, if the IP address stored in ip is, the brace expansion could generate the following possibilities:

  1. public@
  2. public@
  3. public@
  4. public@
  5. public@
  6. public@
  7. public@*

Keep in mind that this explanation is based on limited information, so the actual behavior of the command may vary depending on the surrounding code and variables used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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