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bspc: Define two virtual desktop.
$ bspc monitor --reset-desktops ${1} ${2}
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This command is using the bspc (Binary Space Partitioning Control) command-line tool to reset the desktops on a given monitor.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • bspc: It's the command-line tool used to control the Binary Space Partitioning window manager (bspwm).

  • monitor --reset-desktops: This part of the command instructs bspc to reset the desktops on a monitor. When a monitor's desktops are reset, it means that all current windows on that monitor are closed, and the desktops are cleared, creating a fresh workspace on that monitor.

  • ${1} and ${2}: These are positional parameters or variables used in the command. They represent the first and second arguments passed to the command when it is executed. It is expected that the values passed to these variables represent the specific monitor(s) where the desktops need to be reset.

In summary, when executing this command, the bspwm window manager will reset the desktops on the specified monitors, effectively clearing all windows and creating a clean workspace. The specific monitors are determined by the values provided in ${1} and ${2}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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