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btrfs-check: Check and repair a btrfs filesystem (dangerous).
$ sudo btrfs check --repair ${path-to-partition}
try on your machine

The command sudo btrfs check --repair ${path-to-partition} is used to check and repair a Btrfs file system on a specific partition.

Here is a breakdown of the components:

  • sudo: It is a command that allows the execution of the subsequent command with administrative privileges. The use of sudo ensures that the command has the necessary permissions to work with system files and directories.

  • btrfs: It is the name of the Btrfs file system utility in Linux. Btrfs is a modern file system that offers advanced features like data integrity, scalability, and snapshot abilities.

  • check: It is an option used with btrfs command to check the file system for any errors or inconsistencies.

  • --repair: This option is used to repair the identified errors or inconsistencies in the file system. If errors are found during the check process, this option attempts to fix them automatically.

  • ${path-to-partition}: It is a placeholder that represents the path or device name of the Btrfs file system partition you want to check and repair. You need to replace ${path-to-partition} with the actual path or device name, such as /dev/sdb1 or /mnt/btrfs.

Combining all the components, the command sudo btrfs check --repair ${path-to-partition} executes the Btrfs file system utility as an administrator to check the specified Btrfs file system partition for errors and repair them if possible.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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