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btrfs-scrub: Show the status of an ongoing or last completed scrub.
$ sudo btrfs scrub status ${path-to-btrfs_mount}
try on your machine

The command "sudo btrfs scrub status ${path-to-btrfs_mount}" is used to check the status of a Btrfs file system scrub on a specified mount point.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "sudo" stands for Super User Do, and it allows the command to be executed with administrative privileges. It is typically used when performing system-level operations.
  • "btrfs scrub" is the command to initiate and manage a Btrfs file system scrub. The scrub operation is used to detect and correct errors in the file system, such as corrupted data or metadata inconsistencies.
  • "status" is an option provided by the "btrfs scrub" command to display the current status of the scrub operation.
  • "${path-to-btrfs_mount}" is a placeholder for the actual path where the Btrfs file system is mounted. It should be replaced with the path to the specific Btrfs file system mount point you want to check the scrub status for.

When you run this command with the appropriate path to the Btrfs mount, it will provide you with information about the ongoing scrub operation, including the progress, the number of data and metadata items checked, and any encountered errors. This can be useful for monitoring and troubleshooting the health of a Btrfs file system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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