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bundle: Update one or more specific gem(s) defined in the `Gemfile`.
$ bundle update ${gem_name} ${gem_name}
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The command "bundle update ${gem_name} ${gem_name}" is used in the Ruby development environment and package manager, Bundler.

In this command, "${gem_name}" represents the name of a specific gem or library that is specified in a Ruby project's Gemfile.

The "bundle update" command is used to update the specified gems to their latest versions, making sure that the project is using the most recent and compatible versions of the gems.

By running "bundle update ${gem_name} ${gem_name}", you are asking Bundler to update the specified gems named "${gem_name}" in your project. Replace "${gem_name}" with the actual name of the gem to update.

This command can be helpful to stay up-to-date with the latest bug fixes, security patches, and features provided by the gem maintainers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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