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bundle: List installed gems in the `Gemfile` with newer versions available.
$ bundle outdated
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The "bundle outdated" command is used in Ruby on Rails projects with Bundler gem management to check for outdated gems or library dependencies.

When an application is built using Ruby on Rails, it typically relies on numerous externally maintained gems or libraries. These external dependencies are declared in a file called the "Gemfile" which lists all the required gems along with their version constraints.

The "bundle outdated" command examines the Gemfile and compares the versions of the gems currently installed in the project with the latest available versions of those gems. It then generates a report showing which gems have newer versions available and indicates whether the current version of each gem is up-to-date or outdated.

This command is useful for detecting outdated gems in the project, which can have security vulnerabilities or missing new features. It's a best practice to regularly check for outdated gems and update them to the latest versions to ensure a secure and efficient application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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