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bundletool: Generate APKs including only one single APK for universal usage.
$ bundletool build-apks --bundle=${path-to-bundle-aab} --mode=${universal} --ks=${path-to-key-keystore} --ks-key-alias=${key_alias} --output=${filename-apks}
try on your machine

This command is using the bundletool tool to build APKs from an Android App Bundle (AAB) file. Here is a breakdown of the command and its arguments:

  • bundletool: The name of the tool/command being executed.
  • build-apks: The action to build APKs from an AAB file.
  • --bundle=${path-to-bundle-aab}: This specifies the path to the AAB file to be used for generating APKs. You need to provide the actual path to your AAB file.
  • --mode=${universal}: This specifies the mode in which APKs will be generated. Here, the mode is set to "universal", which means a single APK will be generated that contains all the possible device configurations in one APK file.
  • --ks=${path-to-key-keystore}: This specifies the path to the keystore file used for signing the APKs. You need to provide the actual path to your keystore file.
  • --ks-key-alias=${key_alias}: This specifies the alias of the key stored in the keystore that will be used for signing. You need to provide the actual alias.
  • --output=${filename-apks}: This specifies the path and filename for the output APK(s) to be generated. You need to provide the desired output path and filename.

Overall, this command is using bundletool to build a universal APK from an AAB file, using a provided keystore and key alias for signing, and specifying the output path and filename for the generated APK(s).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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