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bw: Create a folder in Bitwarden vault.
$ ${echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64} | bw create folder
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This command is a combination of two separate commands, connected together using a pipe symbol (|).

First command: ${echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}

  • The text echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' is used to print the string {"name":"My Folder1"} to the standard output.
  • The echo command is used to print text, and the -n flag prevents the trailing newline character.
  • The output of the echo command is then piped (|) to the base64 command.
  • The base64 command is used to encode the input text (in this case, {"name":"My Folder1"}) into base64 format.
  • The output of this whole command is a base64-encoded string.

Second command: bw create folder

  • This command is related to the Bitwarden password manager application.
  • The bw create folder command is used to create a new folder in your Bitwarden account.
  • The previous command (base64-encoded string) is passed as input to this command using the pipe symbol (|).
  • The base64-encoded string represents the name of the folder to be created.
  • The Bitwarden application decodes the base64 string and creates a new folder with the specified name.

So, the entire command is used to create a new folder in Bitwarden with the name "My Folder1".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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