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bw: Log in to a Bitwarden user account.
$ bw login
try on your machine

The command "bw login" is used to log in to the Bitwarden password manager. Bitwarden is a cross-platform open-source password management solution that allows users to securely store and access their passwords and other sensitive information.

When you run the "bw login" command in the command-line interface (CLI) or terminal, it will prompt you to enter your Bitwarden account credentials. This typically includes your email or username and your master password. The master password is a strong and secure password that you create when setting up your Bitwarden account.

After providing the required credentials, Bitwarden will authenticate your account and log you in. Once logged in, you can start managing your passwords, generating strong passwords, and accessing your saved information through the Bitwarden CLI or any supported Bitwarden client applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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