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bzgrep: Use extended regular expressions (supports `?`, `+`, `{}`, `()` and `|`), in case-insensitive mode.
$ bzgrep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "${search_pattern}" ${filename}
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The bzgrep command is used to search for a specific pattern within a compressed bzip2 file (.bz2).

Here's a breakdown of the command you provided:

bzgrep: This is the command itself, indicating that we want to grep (search) within a compressed bzip2 file.

--extended-regexp or -E: This option enables extended regular expressions. It allows for more complex search patterns using metacharacters and special syntax.

--ignore-case or -i: This option makes the search case-insensitive, meaning it will match patterns regardless of their letter casing.

${search_pattern}: This is a placeholder for the specific pattern you want to search for within the file. You need to replace ${search_pattern} with the actual pattern you're interested in.

${filename}: Similar to ${search_pattern}, this is a placeholder for the name of the compressed bzip2 file you want to search in. Replace ${filename} with the actual filename (including the .bz2 extension).

Overall, the command searches for the ${search_pattern} within the specified ${filename} (a compressed bzip2 file), while ignoring the pattern's case.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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