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cabal: Build the project in the current directory.
$ cabal build
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The command cabal build is used in Haskell to build an executable or library given a cabal project.

Cabal is a build system and package manager for Haskell that facilitates the build and deployment of Haskell projects. The build subcommand is used to build the code in the current project directory.

When you run cabal build, Cabal reads the project's .cabal file, which contains information about the project's dependencies, build settings, and source files. It then compiles the project's source code, resolves and downloads any required dependencies, and generates the executables or libraries specified in the .cabal file.

After the build process is complete, the resulting executables or libraries are placed in the dist directory by default. The specific output directories and file names can be configured in the .cabal file.

The cabal build command is typically combined with other commands like cabal configure (used to configure the build settings) and cabal install (used to install the built project).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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