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caddy: Stop a background Caddy process.
$ caddy stop
try on your machine

The command "caddy stop" is used to stop the Caddy web server that is currently running.

Caddy is a powerful and extensible web server that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It can be used to serve static websites, proxy requests to backend servers, handle SSL/TLS certificates, and perform other web server functionalities.

When you run "caddy stop", it sends a signal to the running Caddy process to gracefully shut down and stop serving requests. This command is typically executed from the command line or terminal, and it should be run with the necessary permissions to control the Caddy process.

Stopping Caddy using "caddy stop" ensures that the server exits gracefully, allowing it to complete any ongoing requests and clean up any resources it has allocated. By doing so, it helps ensure data consistency and prevents any potential issues or corruption that may occur if the server were to abruptly terminate.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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