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caffeinate: Prevent disk from sleeping (use `Ctrl + C` to exit).
$ caffeinate -m
try on your machine

The caffeinate -m command is a macOS terminal command that is used to prevent your Mac from going into sleep or idle mode. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • caffeinate: This is the main command that starts the caffeinate service on your Mac. It prevents your Mac from entering idle sleep mode.
  • -m: This is an option or flag that specifies a mode for caffeinate. In this case, -m stands for "prevent the disk from idle sleeping." It tells your Mac to keep the disk from entering idle sleep mode, allowing it to be accessed and active.

When you run caffeinate -m, your Mac will stay awake and prevent its disk from going into idle sleep, ensuring that it remains available for access and keeps running. Useful scenarios for using this command could be when you are downloading or copying files, running a lengthy process, or performing any task that requires your Mac to remain active.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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