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cal: Display a calendar for the current year.
$ cal -y
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The command "cal -y" is used to display the calendar for the entire year.

The "cal" command is a tool available in Unix and Unix-like operating systems that is used to display a calendar. It allows you to view calendars for the current month, a specific month, or the entire year.

When the "-y" option is used with the "cal" command, it instructs the command to display the calendar for the entire year. It will show all the months of the year in a multi-column format, typically with three or four months displayed horizontally. Each month will be displayed with the month name and the corresponding dates for the days of the week.

This command is useful for quickly viewing the entire year at once, and can be used for planning purposes or general reference.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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