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cal: Display date of Easter (Western Christian churches) in a given year.
$ ncal -e ${year}
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The command "ncal -e ${year}" is used to display the calendar for a specific year in the terminal using the utility "ncal". Here's how it works: - "ncal" is a command-line utility in Linux and Unix-based systems that prints the calendar for the current month by default, along with highlighting the current day.

  • The "-e" option is used to display the Julian dates (number of days since January 1st).
  • "${year}" is a placeholder representing the year for which you want to see the calendar. You need to replace "${year}" with the actual year value when executing the command. For example, if you want to display the calendar for the year 2022, you would use the command: ncal -e 2022 This would show the calendar for the year 2022 along with the corresponding Julian dates.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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