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calc: View an introduction to `calc`.
$ calc help intro
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The command "calc help intro" is using the "calc" command line utility to access the introductory help information for the "calc" program. "calc" stands for "calculator" and is a command line calculator program that allows you to perform various mathematical calculations and operations. The "help" command in the "calc" program is used to display helpful information and documentation about the program's features, options, and usage. By specifying "intro" after the "help" command, you are requesting the introductory help information, which typically provides an overview of the program, its purpose, and basic usage instructions. So, "calc help intro" will display the introductory help information for the "calc" program, providing you with a starting point to learn about the features and functionality it offers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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