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calc: Perform a calculation without any output formatting (for use with pipes).
$ calc -p '${4-3 * pi() * 5^3}'
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The command "calc -p '${4-3 pi() 5^3}'" is invoking a command-line calculator called "calc" and using the "-p" flag to specify that the provided expression should be evaluated.

Let's break down the expression inside the single quotes:

  1. "${...}" indicates that the expression within the curly braces should be evaluated.
  2. "4 - 3 pi() 5^3" represents the calculation to be performed.

Breakdown of the calculation:

  • "4" is subtracted from the result of the remaining calculation.
  • "3 * pi()" multiplies the constant value of pi with 3.
  • "5^3" raises the value 5 to the power of 3 (5 5 5).

So, this command essentially calculates the value of the expression "4 - 3 pi() 5^3".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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