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calcurse: Remove all remote objects and push local calcurse items.
$ calcurse-caldav --init=keep-local
try on your machine

The command "calcurse-caldav --init=keep-local" refers to an action using the "calcurse-caldav" program with the parameter "--init" set to "keep-local."

"calcurse-caldav" is a program that enables synchronization between the Calcurse calendar application and a CalDAV server. Calcurse is a text-based calendar application used to manage events, tasks, and appointments.

The "--init" parameter in this command specifies how the synchronization should be initialized. In this case, "keep-local" indicates that the existing local Calcurse data should be preserved and used as the baseline for synchronization. It means that the initial synchronization will be performed by fetching data from the CalDAV server and updating the local Calcurse calendar accordingly. However, any modifications made on the local calendar will not be pushed to the server during this synchronization, thereby preserving the original local data.

By using "calcurse-caldav --init=keep-local," you will initiate a synchronization process while ensuring that your existing local calendar data remains unchanged.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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