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carbon-now: Create an image from a text in clipboard using default settings.
$ carbon-now --from-clipboard
try on your machine

The command "carbon-now --from-clipboard" is a command-line instruction that is used to capture text from the clipboard and generate a Carbon image from it.

Carbon is a popular code snippet sharing platform that allows developers to create beautiful and customizable images of their code snippets. The "carbon-now" command-line tool allows you to quickly generate Carbon images without having to manually copy and paste code into the Carbon interface.

By using the "--from-clipboard" flag, the command instructs carbon-now to extract the text data from the clipboard instead of requiring you to provide the code snippet as an argument. It will capture the text currently present in your clipboard and use it as the input code to generate the Carbon image.

This command can be useful when you have code or text in your clipboard that you want to convert into a visually appealing image for sharing or documentation purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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