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carthage: Update dependencies, but don't build any of them.
$ carthage update --no-build
try on your machine

The command "carthage update --no-build" is used in the context of Carthage, which is a dependency manager for Swift projects.

Carthage allows developers to manage third-party libraries and frameworks in their projects. The "update" command is used to fetch the latest versions of the dependencies specified in the project's Cartfile. It checks for updates and fetches them if available.

The "--no-build" flag is an optional parameter that can be added to the "carthage update" command. When this flag is used, the command fetches and updates the dependencies but skips the build process. Normally, after fetching updates, Carthage would build the dependencies, meaning it would compile the dependencies' source code into binary frameworks. However, with "--no-build" flag, the build step is skipped and only the update is performed.

Some reasons you might want to use "--no-build" are:

  1. Time-saving: If you don't want to wait for the build process, you can update the dependencies without building them. This is useful if you are confident that the source code hasn't changed significantly and the existing built frameworks are still compatible.

  2. Build customization: If you have specific build settings or custom scripts, you might want to run the build process separately or manually after the update.

In summary, "carthage update --no-build" is a command that updates the dependencies specified in a Swift project's Cartfile but skips the build step, fetching updates without compiling the dependencies into binary frameworks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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