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carthage: Download and rebuild the current version of dependencies (without updating them).
$ carthage bootstrap
try on your machine

The carthage bootstrap command is used in iOS development with the Carthage dependency manager. It is used to fetch and build all the specified dependencies of the project.

When you run carthage bootstrap in your project directory, it looks for a Cartfile (or Cartfile.private) that lists the dependencies and versions of external frameworks or libraries required by your project. It fetches the specified dependencies and their dependencies, if any, from their respective repositories.

The bootstrap command then compiles the fetched dependencies into frameworks, which are stored in the Carthage/Build directory. These compiled frameworks are ready to be linked to your project in order to use the functionalities provided by the external libraries.

Overall, carthage bootstrap automates the process of fetching, building, and preparing dependencies for usage in your iOS project using Carthage, simplifying the integration of external libraries.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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