catimg: Print a JPEG, PNG, or GIF to the terminal.
$ catimg ${filename}
try on your machine
The command "catimg ${filename}" is used to view the content of an image file in the terminal, specifically on Unix-like systems where the "catimg" command is available.
- "catimg" is the name of the command/utility used to display the image.
- "${filename}" is a placeholder that represents the name or path of the image file you want to view. You would replace "${filename}" with the actual file name or path.
When you execute this command, the "catimg" utility reads the specified image file and converts it into ASCII art or displays it in its original format, directly in the terminal window. The image will be displayed using characters and symbols that represent the different shades of the image.
The purpose of this command is to quickly view image files without the need for a separate image viewer or graphic user interface. It can be useful in scenarios where a graphical environment is not available or if you prefer a text-based representation of the image.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.