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ccomps: Decompose one or more graphs into their connected components.
$ ccomps ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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The command "ccomps" is a command-line tool used to calculate the connected components of a graph. It takes as input one or more graph files in the Graphviz format (denoted by ${path-to-input1-gv}, ${path-to-input2-gv}, etc.) and produces the connected components as output in a graph file (denoted by ${path-to-output-gv}).

Specifically, the command takes the input graph(s), finds all the individual connected components in each graph, and then combines them into a single output graph. Each connected component is essentially a subgraph where all nodes are connected to each other, but not to any nodes outside of the component.

The ">" symbol is used to redirect the output of the command to a specific file (${path-to-output-gv} in this case), instead of displaying it on the console. This allows you to save the result of the command in a file for further processing or visualization.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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