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cd: Go to the home directory of the current user.
$ cd
try on your machine

The cd command stands for "change directory" and is used to navigate between directories (also known as folders) in a file system. By using cd, you can move into different directories to access files, execute programs, or perform various operations.

When you execute the cd command, you typically specify the directory you want to navigate to. For example:

cd directory_name

This would change your current directory to the directory specified by directory_name. Once you are in the new directory, any subsequent commands or operations you perform will be relative to that location.

Additionally, there are some special characters that can be used with cd:

  • cd ..: Moves you up one directory level (to the parent directory).
  • cd /: Takes you to the root directory.
  • cd ~: Takes you to your home directory.

By using the cd command, you can effectively traverse through the file system and access different directories, making it an essential tool for navigating your computer's file structure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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