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cd: Go to a specific directory in a different [d]rive.
$ cd /d ${C}:${path\to\directory}
try on your machine

This command is used in a command-line interface (such as Windows Command Prompt or Unix Terminal) to change the current working directory to a specific directory.

Let's break down the command:

  • cd: This is the command to change directory.
  • /d: This is an optional flag in the command which is specific to Windows Command Prompt. It allows changing the current drive as well as the directory.
  • ${C:}: This is a variable placeholder for the drive letter (e.g., C, D, E) of the desired directory. It is likely intended to be replaced with the actual drive letter when running the command.
  • ${path\to\directory}: This is a variable placeholder for the path to the desired directory. It is also intended to be replaced with the actual path to the directory you want to go to. The backslashes () are used as directory separators in the path.

To use this command, you would typically replace ${C:} with the actual drive letter (e.g., C) and ${path\to\directory} with the actual path to the desired directory. For example, if you want to change to the directory "C:\Users\john\Documents", you would replace the placeholders with "C" and "Users\john\Documents" respectively.

So, after replacing the placeholders, the command might look like this:

  • On Windows Command Prompt: cd /d C:\Users\john\Documents
  • On Unix Terminal: cd /d C:/Users/john/Documents
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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