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cd: Go to root of current drive.
$ cd \
try on your machine

The command "cd \" is used to change the current working directory (or folder) in a command line or terminal.

In this case, the "\" after "cd" is a special character used to represent the root directory of the file system. The root directory is the highest level directory in a file system hierarchy and it contains all other directories and files.

When you execute the command "cd \", it means that you want to change the current working directory to the root directory. This is typically the starting point or the base directory of the file system.

After executing this command, the working directory will be set to the root directory, and you can navigate through the file system from there.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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