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cdk: Deploy a space-separated list of stacks.
$ cdk deploy ${stack_name}
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The "cdk deploy ${stack_name}" command is used to deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack defined in an AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) project.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "cdk deploy" is the main command to deploy the CloudFormation stack. CDK uses the AWS CloudFormation service under the hood to create and manage infrastructure resources.
  • "${stack_name}" is a placeholder for the actual name of the stack to be deployed. You need to replace "${stack_name}" with the name of the stack you want to deploy. The stack name should be unique within an AWS account and region.

When you execute this command, the CDK will take the infrastructure definition from your CDK project and generate a CloudFormation template. It will then create or update the resources specified in the stack, such as AWS Lambda functions, Amazon S3 buckets, or DynamoDB tables.

The CDK deploy command includes several steps, such as creating the CloudFormation stack, waiting for the stack creation to complete, and providing an output summary of the deployed resources.

It's important to note that before running the "cdk deploy" command, you should run "cdk synth" to generate the CloudFormation template and validate your infrastructure code without actually deploying it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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