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cdk: Synthesize and print the CloudFormation template for the specified stack(s).
$ cdk synth ${stack_name}
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The command "cdk synth ${stack_name}" is used to generate the CloudFormation template for the specified AWS CDK stack.


  • "cdk" is the command-line interface for AWS CDK (AWS Cloud Development Kit), a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code.
  • "synth" is a command in AWS CDK that synthesizes the specified stack. This means it generates the AWS CloudFormation template for the stack based on the code written in the CDK.
  • "${stack_name}" is a placeholder for the actual name of the stack you want to synthesize. It is typically replaced with the name of your stack, such as "MyStack".

So, when you run the command "cdk synth ${stack_name}", it will generate the AWS CloudFormation template for the specified stack. This template can then be used to deploy the infrastructure defined in the CDK code to your AWS account.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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