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cdk: List the stacks in the app.
$ cdk ls
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The command "cdk ls" is used in AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to list all the available stacks in the current CDK application.

CDK is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. A stack in CDK represents a deployed instance of a CDK app.

The "cdk ls" command lists all the stacks that have been deployed using the CDK app in the current context. It fetches the list of stacks from the AWS CloudFormation service and displays their names and statuses.

For example, if you have a CDK app with multiple stacks, running "cdk ls" will provide you with the names of all those stacks along with their current status (e.g., "CREATE_COMPLETE", "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS", "DELETE_FAILED", etc.). This information can be helpful in managing and monitoring the deployed stacks in your application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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