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certbot: Simulate the obtaining of a new certificate, but don't actually save any new certificates to disk.
$ sudo certbot --webroot --webroot-path ${path-to-webroot} --domain ${subdomain-example-com} --dry-run
try on your machine

This command is related to using Certbot, a tool that automates the process of obtaining and renewing SSL/TLS certificates from the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority.

  • sudo: This command is used to run Certbot with administrative privileges. It allows the user to execute commands as a superuser or root.

  • certbot: This is the command to run Certbot itself.

  • --webroot: This option specifies the method of domain validation to be used by Certbot. In this case, it is set to "webroot," which means Certbot will place a specific file in the webroot directory of your server to prove domain ownership.

  • --webroot-path ${path-to-webroot}: This option is used to specify the actual path to the webroot directory on your server where the validation file will be placed. You need to replace ${path-to-webroot} with the correct path.

  • --domain ${subdomain-example-com}: This option is used to specify the domain or subdomain for which you want to obtain or renew a certificate. You need to replace ${subdomain-example-com} with the desired domain or subdomain.

  • --dry-run: This option runs Certbot in "dry run" mode, which means it simulates the certificate issuance or renewal process without making any actual changes. It allows you to test the command and see how it would behave without affecting your live certificates or hitting any rate limits imposed by Let's Encrypt.

Overall, this command with the provided options instructs Certbot to use the webroot method for domain validation, to place the validation file in ${path-to-webroot}, to work with the specified ${subdomain-example-com}, and to perform a dry run test.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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