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certutil: Import the signed certificate into the requesters database.
$ certutil -A -n "${server_certificate}" -t ",," -i ${filename-crt} -d .
try on your machine

The command certutil is a command-line utility used in cryptography operations and managing certificates. Here is an explanation of the arguments used in the command:

  • -A is an option that stands for "Add certificate" and is used to add a new certificate to a certificate database.

  • -n "${server_certificate}" specifies the nickname or name of the certificate being added. The ${server_certificate} is a variable being used here, which can hold the value of the certificate's nickname.

  • -t ",," specifies the trust flags for the certificate being added. The flags specify the level of trust, and in this case, ",," indicates the certificate is trusted for client authentication, server authentication, and other purposes, but not for email encryption.

  • -i ${filename-crt} specifies the input file containing the certificate. ${filename-crt} is another variable that should hold the name of the file containing the certificate in .crt format.

  • -d . specifies the directory where the certificate database is located. In this case, the dot "." signifies the current directory.

Overall, this command is used to add a certificate to a certificate database with a given nickname, trust flags, and input file. The certificate is expected to be in .crt format, and the certificate database should be in the current directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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