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cewl: Output a wordlist from the given URL through a proxy.
$ cewl --proxy_host ${host} --proxy_port ${port} ${url}
try on your machine

The command cewl --proxy_host ${host} --proxy_port ${port} ${url} is likely used to perform web scraping or generate wordlists from a target website, with the assistance of a proxy server.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • cewl: It is a command-line tool used for spidering a website (similar to a web crawler), extracting words, and generating custom wordlists for various purposes like password cracking, security audits, etc.

  • --proxy_host ${host}: This option specifies the proxy server's hostname or IP address that will be used for the request. ${host} is a placeholder that is replaced with the actual proxy hostname.

  • --proxy_port ${port}: This option indicates the port number on which the proxy server is running. ${port} is a placeholder that is replaced with the actual proxy port number.

  • ${url}: This is the URL of the target website from which you want to gather words or generate wordlists.

By specifying the proxy host and port, the cewl command makes the web requests through the specified proxy server instead of directly connecting to the target website. This can be useful for anonymizing the traffic or bypassing restrictions imposed by the target website or network.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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