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cf: Create a service instance.
$ cf create-service ${service} ${plan} ${service_name}
try on your machine

This command is used to create a service instance on a cloud platform using the Cloud Foundry command-line tool (cf).

Here is the breakdown of the syntax:

  • cf create-service: This is the command used to create a service in Cloud Foundry.
  • ${service}: This is a placeholder for the type of service you want to create. For example, it could be p-mysql for a MySQL database service, p-redis for a Redis service, or any other service available in your Cloud Foundry marketplace. You need to replace ${service} with the specific service you want to create.
  • ${plan}: This is a placeholder for the service plan. Each service in Cloud Foundry usually has multiple plans available with different resource allocations or features. For example, it could be 100mb for a small memory allocation plan or dedicated-vm for a plan that provides a dedicated VM. You need to replace ${plan} with the specific plan you want to use.
  • ${service_name}: This is a placeholder for the name you want to give to your service instance. You need to replace ${service_name} with a unique name for your service instance.

To use this command, you should replace ${service}, ${plan}, and ${service_name} with the appropriate values for your specific case.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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