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cgcreate: Create a subgroup.
$ mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/${group_type}/${group_name}/${subgroup_name}
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This command creates a new directory using the "mkdir" command. Here's a breakdown of the command and its parameters:

  • "mkdir": It stands for "make directory" and is a command used to create new directories/folders.

  • "/sys/fs/cgroup/": It is the starting directory path where the new directory will be created. "/sys/fs/cgroup/" is a specific directory used for managing control groups in a Linux system.

  • "${group_type}/${group_name}/${subgroup_name}": These are variables that represent the names of the directories to be created within the "/sys/fs/cgroup/" path. The actual values of these variables will vary depending on the context or the user's requirements.

By executing this command, a new directory will be created in the "/sys/fs/cgroup/" path with the provided names for ${group_type}, ${group_name}, and ${subgroup_name}. The resulting directory structure will be:/sys/fs/cgroup/${group_type}/${group_name}/${subgroup_name}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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