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chage: List password information for the user.
$ chage --list ${username}
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The command "chage --list ${username}" is used to display the password and account aging information for a specific user in Linux. Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "chage": It is an administrative command in Linux used to configure password aging policies for user accounts.
  • "--list": It is an option used with the "chage" command to list the current aging information of the specified user.
  • "${username}": It is a placeholder for the actual username you want to obtain the aging information for. You need to replace "${username}" with the specific username you want to check.

By running this command, the system will display various details related to the password aging policies for the specified user, including the date of the last password change, the minimum password age, the maximum password age, the password warning period, and more. This information can help administrators manage user accounts and enforce password security policies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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