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cheat: List the available cheat sheets.
$ cheat -l
try on your machine

The command "cheat -l" is generally used to list all available cheat sheets in the Cheat program. Cheat is a command line tool that allows users to create and view interactive cheatsheets for various commands and utilities.

When you execute the "cheat -l" command, the program will display a list of all the cheat sheets that have been installed on your system. Cheat sheets are essentially text files that provide helpful information, examples, and usage details for different commands or concepts. By using cheat sheets, users can quickly reference and learn how to utilize specific commands without having to search through documentation or online resources.

Overall, "cheat -l" is a convenient command to check for available cheat sheets and retrieve relevant information on any desired command or utility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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