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checkinstall: Create and install a package with default settings.
$ sudo checkinstall --default
try on your machine

The checkinstall command is used in Linux distributions to create a package from source code. It allows you to easily manage and uninstall software that you install manually.

The sudo part of the command is used to run the checkinstall command with administrative privileges. This is necessary because the command may need to perform actions that require elevated permissions.

The --default flag is an argument passed to the checkinstall command, indicating that you want to use the default settings for the package creation process. This means that the command will use the default package name, version, and other parameters unless you specify them explicitly.

By running sudo checkinstall --default, you are creating a package from the source code using the default settings and with administrative privileges.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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