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chisel: Run a Chisel server.
$ chisel server
try on your machine

The command "chisel server" refers to the usage of the chisel tool in server mode. Chisel is a networking tool that allows for the creation of secure tunnels between two machines. It enables access to otherwise restricted resources or services on a remote machine, bypassing firewalls or other network restrictions.

When you run "chisel server," it starts the chisel tool in server mode. This means the machine running the command will become the server, allowing clients to connect to it and establish a secure tunnel. Clients can then use this tunnel to access network resources or services on the server machine.

By default, the chisel server listens on port 8080, but you can specify a different port number if needed. Once the server is running, it will display the authentication token that clients need to connect to it. Clients use this token and the server's address to establish the secure tunnel.

Overall, the "chisel server" command sets up the chisel tool as a server, enabling secure tunneling and remote access to network resources or services.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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