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chisel: Connect to a Chisel server using username and password authentication.
$ chisel client --auth ${username}:${password} ${server_ip}:${server_port} ${local_port}:${remote_server}:${remote_port}
try on your machine

This command is used to create a secure tunnel between a client machine and a remote server using the Chisel tool. Chisel is a networking tool that enables secure tunneling of TCP connections over HTTP and allows users to securely access services on remote servers.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

chisel client - This initiates the Chisel client.

--auth ${username}:${password} - This specifies the authentication credentials to be used for connecting to the remote server. ${username} and ${password} should be replaced with the actual username and password.

${server_ip}:${server_port} - This specifies the IP address and port number of the remote server that the client wants to connect to.

${local_port}:${remote_server}:${remote_port} - This specifies the mapping of local and remote ports. ${local_port} is the port number on the client machine that will be used to establish the tunnel, while ${remote_server}:${remote_port} determines the address and port number of the service running on the remote server that the client wants to access.

Overall, this command will establish a chisel client on the client machine, authenticate with the specified username and password, and create a secure tunnel between the local port and the service running on the remote server's address and port.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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