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chkdsk: Change the log file size to the specified size (only for NTFS).
$ chkdsk /l${size}
try on your machine

The command "chkdsk /l${size}" is used to run the Check Disk utility with a specific size option.

"chkdsk" stands for "Check Disk," and it is a built-in command in Windows operating systems used for scanning and repairing file system issues on a disk.

"/l" is an option used to specify the size of the file that stores the log file for the Check Disk operation. The log file records the results and details of the scan.

"${size}" is a placeholder for the actual size you want to specify. You need to replace it with a specific value. The size is typically in kilobytes (KB) and can be a decimal or whole number.

For example, if you want to specify a log file size of 8192 KB (8 MB), you would use the command: chkdsk /l8192.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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